Sunday, April 29, 2007

Happiness is not... a fish? (no shit sherlock!)

Eight out of nine flushed. Not bad.

Some people would rather have a rainy, depressing Monday morning than a lazy, boring Sunday afternoon. I never fully got what Raine Maida meant by "Happiness is not a fish you can catch". Until today.
"Everyone you meet today is just so ****ing vain."

I want an iPod.
I could probably sell my life to some emo-punk artist or something. For inspiration. And buy all the iPods I could ever want. Hell, I could buy Apple.
What say Jimmy Eat World? Writer's block?

"Bored again by happiness / All those friends I've lost in there"
Speechless. (The I-couldn't-say-it-better kind of speechless).

Speechless. (The I-wish-I-could-say-it-better kind of speechless).

It bores you. Honestly, it bores you.

I'm bored.

Make that nine.

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