I said, stop!
"In the raging, boundless ocean the Internet has become, what am I? An obscure, tiny lifeboat."
This the first song to ever make me cry. Almost a decade later, it still makes me sad. You have to listen to it.
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,
Little jackie paper loved that rascal puff,
And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff. oh
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.
Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sail
Jackie kept a lookout perched on puffs gigantic tail,
Noble kings and princes would bow wheneer they came,
Pirate ships would lower their flag when puff roared out his name. oh!
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.
A dragon lives forever but not so little boys
Painted wings and giant rings make way for other toys.
One grey night it happened, jackie paper came no more
And puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.
His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain,
Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.
Without his life-long friend, puff could not be brave,
So puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave. oh!
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.
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This is fresh. Raw. I can't find the words to say.
May there be quieter waters on the other shore.
And may we have the grace to Hope.
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To be very honest, this blog is still an obscure, tiny lifeboat. I'm not getting hundreds of clicks every day. But I'm just so kicked about the few people that visit my site from around the world and actually stay around to read stuff on it. Blogging doesn't feel like a useless exercise anymore. Below, a map of my visitors from around the world. From StatCounter (highly recommended, it's beautifully simple and free!).
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Johnny. Bro. This is not a eulogy. You're not gone. You've just been misplaced. Tempoarily lost. One day, years after you're found, we'll look back on this and laugh. This is not a goodbye.
I think about you a lot nowadays man. I have so many memories of you. More than most other people at Kodai 'cause I grew up with you too. I remember playing outside every evening. That destructive phase us guys all went through. How ardently we all tried to screw up my BMX Twister. We gave it away to some a few years ago by the way. It was in tip-top condition.
I remember applying to Kodai together and getting in together and experiencing our first night away from home together. I remember getting through the toughest times of boarding school together. We had our differences. We had our fights. I guess when you know someone too well, you tend to take them for granted a little. I have memories of fights and confrontations also. But, even they, Johnny, even they make me miss you more. It was all part of vibrant, motley package you were. Johnathan Marak.
I remember soccer in the rain. How we used to nickname you the 'One Man Army'. How you sent the defense scattering when you charged in. I remember Swedish House and all our dumbass exploits. I remember that old, abandoned house in the Swedish Compound. And camping out on the basketball court, making baked beans over the watchman's fire.
I remember our band. The one Shaggy called 12:01 because we were supposed to have a name by noon and we didn't so he just looked at the time on his watch and named us that. I remember playing No Woman No Cry with Neeraj on the drums. And practicing Innocent and Hero in the cage with that shitty drumset. I remember us getting banned for the Rock Concert because Kirtan threw the duster at the health teacher.
I remember digging that well for villagers at Bharatnagar. You and Aditi. Hehe. And ninth grade field trip! How Aditi and Mercy had to clean the whole room after we had finished. ; ) And how I rolled out of bed and walked across the balcony to Suchirita's room! I remember the cast party for the 9th and 10th One Act Plays and that crazy night. That night when four of us went down. I remember writing that email to your parents when you got caught smoking at school. I remember writing that email thrice man. You never learnt then. And I blame myself somehow.
I remember that Sunday so fucking clearly it scares me. I remember there was smoke everywhere and roaches on the window sills and weed on the floor. I remember how my heart stopped when the dorm-relief walked in. I remember how I got that feeling. The beginning of the end.
I remember planning to bribe the medical store man. Being called in for questioning by Mrs. Ford. Hating her. Hating the system. I remember, like it was yesterday, Sid shrugging and saying that there was no point praying to God about this. We were in the wrong anyways. We couldn't ask God to change the rules of morality. I remember wanting to punch him for saying that. But knowing, deep inside, that he was right. He was dead-on right.
I remember the day we all said goodbye. I remember that imaginary toast I proposed, my voice cracking. All of us standing outside Lochend. Waiting for your bus. I remember walking you to the bus-stop at 6. Saying our last goodbyes. The promises to keep in touch. You'd be back in May to visit. All that. Seeing you one last time. Walking back to school as you rode on to another life.
I remember how the remaining two and a half years of school just wasn't the same without you. But we got by. You called. Aditi stayed on for a semester and she moved on to Sam. The phone-calls got sparser. We tried emailing. I hadn't heard from you in ages.
And then I remember the day I found out. I had known you had ran away from home. But the day I found out that there was a possibility you were dead, I remember how crushed I felt. How helpless. I remember staying awake till two in the night, wondeing if somewhere out there, you were alive or not. I couldn't bear the thought of you dying alone somewhere, under some bridge, with no hope in sight. I couldn't bear the thought of you dead. I still can't. I can't bring myself to think of it in that way. I hope you didn't do it man. I hope you're just bloody good at hiding. You always were when we were kids. You were always the last one to be found at hide and seek. I hope you didn't do it. You have so much to live for. We were supposed to start a band together. Make music. Laugh. Cry. Live.
I still hope bro. I swear, I always will. Until you're found. Alive or otherwise. I always will.
But Johnny. This is not a eulogy. This is not goodbye.
[ If anyone has any information about a Johnathan Marak who has been missing for seven months, please contact the author at ]
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Labels: Memories, Mind Wander, People
From the comments section of a blog:
Hi sir your shivaji filam is very good sir you are alwes superstar sir
thanks. - shivakumar H Y
super star is the ultimate star.
He is the best one to be draged in the indian filim industry.
nobody can touch his move ,style,expressions espacially coool
and casual - prithi
I accept he doesn't have great body...but who cares...
we all need entertainment and fun and may be some message in movie....that we get 100000000000% in rajini's movie... - Maddy
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Labels: Mind Wander, Pictures, Random
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Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
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Labels: Bible Verses
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For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
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Labels: Bible Verses
These are two of my favourites. There's much more here.
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A hydro field cuts through my neighborhood
Somehow that always just made me feel good
I can put a spare bulb in my hand
And light up my yard
Late at night when the wires in the walls
Sing in tune with the din of the falls
I'm conducting it all while I sleep
To light this whole town
If you question what I would do
To get over and be with you
Lift you up over everything
To light up my room
There’s a shopping cart in the ravine
Foam on the creek is like pop and ice cream
A field full of tires that is always on fire
To light my way home
There are luxuries we can’t afford
But in our house we never get bored
Cause we can dance to the radio station
That plays in our teeth
If you question what I would do
To get over and be with you
Lift you up over everything
To light up my room
My room
I loved this song long before I ever knew what it meant.
It made me love Home.
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Labels: Music
"I went to Bermuda this weekend. What did you do? Watched poker on TV?"
Silence. Thinking.
"I played it on the Internet."
It rained today. I was playing the guitar when it started raining. I played along to the pattering for a while and then imagined the rain pattering along to what I was playing.
It didn't. Mother Nature sets her own beat. Or has a dumbass sense of rhythm.
I left all the windows in the house open because I absolutely love the smell of fresh rain on parched earth. It smells new. Alive. Revived. Like a reunion of lovers.
It made me happy. In a sad way.
Dinkz used to love the fog back in Kodai. I never understood why. It depressed me somehow. If I could personify fog, it would be this hunch-backed, deceitful crook, blinding and distorting, enveloping all in a thick shroud. Dinkz always saw the beauty in things I never could. And I guess I could see why she loved fog.
It's beautiful. In an eerie way.
Life is too revealing. You see things about people you were better off not seeing. You're cinematic, razor sharp. You're everything I hoped you would never be. You scare me with every new, wickedly unexpected turn.
But I'm settled. In a violent way.
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Labels: Memories, Mind Wander
I read somewhere that Elliot Smith used to 'get inspiration in bars'. I'm confused as to whether that means he gets inspiration in bars (as in where alcohol is sold) or bars (as in the musical term 'bars').
I think that latter is far more beautiful. It's as if inspiration comes from somewhere, from some invisible source. In little packets. That roughly correspond to a musical bar. To all those that struggle to speak in one dimension.
That's kinda what music is. Speaking in two-dimensions. Or three. Or many. Depending on how deep you let a song into your soul.
I prefer that to sitting over your third shot of tequilla, edging towards that magical point where you're drunk enough to be honest and sober enough to muster enough hand-eye coordination to write.
'Just add alcohol' inspiration.
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Labels: Music
Eight out of nine flushed. Not bad.
Some people would rather have a rainy, depressing Monday morning than a lazy, boring Sunday afternoon. I never fully got what Raine Maida meant by "Happiness is not a fish you can catch". Until today.
"Everyone you meet today is just so ****ing vain."
I want an iPod.
I could probably sell my life to some emo-punk artist or something. For inspiration. And buy all the iPods I could ever want. Hell, I could buy Apple.
What say Jimmy Eat World? Writer's block?
"Bored again by happiness / All those friends I've lost in there"
Speechless. (The I-couldn't-say-it-better kind of speechless).
Speechless. (The I-wish-I-could-say-it-better kind of speechless).
It bores you. Honestly, it bores you.
I'm bored.
Make that nine.
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Labels: Mind Wander, People
I'm afraid that I might have nothing non-cliched to say. Nothing the world hasn't heard already. Nothing the world doesn't already know. World? What world? In the raging, boundless ocean the Internet has become, what am I? An obscure, tiny lifeboat.
Just write. Someone will read. Someone will understand. Someone. Somewhere.
(My CPU is on the ground. My right foot just spasmed and hit the reset button. I went and got a glass of cold water as the computer restarted. My head hurts. Bloody spasms.)
I realized I was in denial today. There's only so much you can justify. I wish it wasn't true. But it could be. 'Could' is a very strong word. It's the first step out of denial.
Write something. Anything. Someone, somewhere will understand.
E wrote a short story today. It's really cute. Expected worse but it was nice. Maya. Wilson. Mowoski. Honestly E, if anything, you come up with way better names then I do. :)
Watched The Bicycle Thief today. The film that inspired Satyajit Ray. I was told not to expect too much. Felt sad at the end. Felt like learning Italian. Or re-learning Spanish.
Anything. Someone. Somewhere.
I guess that's the beautiful thing about the Internet. You can believe in "someones" and "somewheres".
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Labels: Mind Wander