"'Cause in my head
There's a Greyhound station
Where I set my thoughts
To far-off destinations
So they may have a chance
Of finding a place where they're
Far more suited than here. "
- Soul Meets Body by Death Cab for Cutie
Noone understands my favourite band. Noone understands their cryptic lyrics. Their meandering poetry.Their 'darkened optimism'.
Noone understands me when I say 'registration'. I somehow slur the whole word. No matter how hard I try. I mean, sometimes I make it. Or the people I'm talking to are used to weird accents. But most of the time it's a slur.
Noone understands me when I laugh. I laugh at the weirdest things. I laugh during sad movies. I laugh the hardest at stupid jokes. I laugh at lines in books that everyone else finds normal. Or even dumb. I laugh at babies. In the mean way.
Noone understands me when I say 'I love you'. I love too liberaly. Too carelessly. Too damn freely. I mean all three syllables. I mean them to death.
Noone understands my depressing blogs.